Ward Activity |
Alright.....it'll be a bullet point email style again because of the time....but it should still be good! haha.
-I am officially the advanced English class teacher. Don't know if I mentioned that. But it is super fun.
-T went to church! :D AND she BORE HER TESTIMONY!!!!! :D All by herself. She asked if she could. So all 3 of us got up and bore our testimonies. It was the best day of my life. <3
-E WILL BE BAPTIZED THIS SATURDAY!!!!!! :DDDD Pray for her. We are so happy for her and excited. It was a huge miracle. After 1 year and 6 months (a mission....) of going to church she has decided to stay for sure. She ASKED me on Sunday if she could be baptized this week. I....of course....said yes. ;) hahaha. Again...sunday was the best day ever.
Brazilian Food |
-July 4th had fireworks!!!! Because of the Brasil cup game that night. But we sang the star spangled banner and pretended that the fireworks were really for the USA. ;P
-I will be singing at the zone conference this week.
-I prayed that I could loose a little weight...and promptly got a weird stomach bug. -_- NOT what I had in mind. hahaha. Never doing that again.
-20 weeks left. 0_o
Sister W's first time cutting hair. Em's the guinea pig.... |
-Sister W and Sister S discovered this week that their investigators are actually bandits.....that was a let down. They have been milking all the members for information about the financial situation of family Martins and are definitely faking their interest in the gospel to make friends and then White Collar sue everyone and be millionaires. It’s unfortunate and was totally revealed through the spirit to the sisters because we never would have guessed. They came to a Family Home Evening at a members house and they insisted on taking the sisters home. It was a strange insisting. They clearly wanted to see their living conditions....because the wife when she saw our humble little hut...I mean house...she goes “THAT'S where you live?" with scorn and disgust. Anyways as Sister W was opening the door to our house she suddenly had the very strange thought...."they are bandits". She hadn’t even been thinking about that (and as she puts it the word "bandit" is NOT in her typical vocabulary....maybe robber or thieves but....bandits?) ....but instantly felt the thought confirmed and told Sister S. Sister S almost shouted that she had felt that too!!!! But for the whole week and just hadn’t said anything because she studied terrorism at BYU and wants to work for the CIA and is a GENIUS but thought that we would all think that these facts finally drove her to paranoia. hahaha. Poor girl. But now the feeling is overwhelming for all of us and it is very. very. obvious that they are truly....bandits. How often does THAT happen? It’s sad. But one day we, especially the sisters, will laugh about it.
Well..... I know I am incredibly lame this week. INCREDIBLY.But I do love you all and next week I won’t spend as much time re-reading awesome emails and I’ll write more. <3
Love you all and have a great week! :D
Sister Heyer
I think I already included this once but I will again because I am sure there are a few of you who didn’t read it. ;Phehe. It’s excellent!!!!
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