Missionary blog of Sister Emily Heyer, Brazil Campinas Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Sunday, October 19, 2014

But for a Small Moment

This week was a bit tough. Physically and emotionally. The work didn't go as well as we hoped and I have never been so exhausted in my life. But next week is a new week. :) 

-Monday I had the chance to go to Campinas and visit with various recent converts and inactive members that I worked with in Castelo. It was such a wonderful experience to see them again. Sheila, bless her heart, even cried when she saw me. We had the chance to chat for a good 2 hours, it being p-day, and catch up on what is new with her family. They are preparing to receive their Patriarchal blessings and be sealed in the temple. They are aiming for November 22nd....the last sat. of my mission so that I can go. We are praying that this date will work out. :) Bernadete did not know that I was coming and we had a blast sneaking up on her in her kitchen. She was floored! She didn't talk for a good 3 minutes out of shock....just kept hugging me. It was wonderful to see her again. 

I also got to spend the night with my dear Ware who left today for home. We stayed up later than we should getting our last mission chat in. It was wonderful to talk to her, but of course left me very depressed. Thankfully she only lives a few hours drive away, otherwise I might have died saying goodbye. There are few people in this world who have helped me and loved me more than Sister Ware. This month will be a challenge knowing she is not here but I am immensely happy for her that she served with honor and is now on her way to some long naps and pedicures. ;P <3 

Tuesday was my last multizone meeting. It was a wonderful meeting. But was difficult. I had to bear my last testimony and afterwards we took pictures and everyone was saying goodbye and asking me what I will do next. I think it all started to really hit me in that moment that 1. I don’t know what I will do next..... and 2. I am leaving. How do you just say goodbye to 18 months of your life. I am currently in mission limbo.....half saying goodbye and being told my flight plans to go home....and half being told to keep going because I still have 5 weeks left. Talk about torn emotions. It’s a challenge I was not expecting but I am adjusting. 

This week I was also informed that I will be transferred. Something that I was definitely NOT expecting. But the Lord clearly has other plans for me than I had for myself. I know that He has prepared very specific challenges for me in my new area but that He is also preparing a way for me to be more blessed and grow even more, for the last time on the mission. It will be a struggle but I know it is what He needs me to do now, so I will do it. I am excited, but.....very very exhausted. VERY. I have never felt so physically drained in my whole life. 

This week the heat came back. In full force. 38 degrees C already at 8:00 in the morning. Or....100.4 in F in case you are thinking that that isn’t very hot.....Bad news….I'm even more drained. Good news....I have lost 6.5 pounds in 4 days. If this keeps up Ill be smaller than Dorey when I get home! ;P haha. 

Oh quick cool story. A guy stopped us in the park this week and told us he is visiting from another city and that he is a recent convert. He then told us his story. He was a pastor for the baptist church. He was earning excellent money, he had tons of success, and even got his own apartment paid for by the church. Well, he had a certain difficulty come up in His church and he said that he came to the moment where he needed to know if he was really preaching the right things and if his church was true. He prayed....and felt that it wasn't right. Shortly afterwards he met the missionaries. He read the book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price in 3 months. He quit his job, lost his apartment, and all of his friends. His congregation was furious. He said that he tried to explain to them that he had taught them all he knew and all he knew to be true but that that was only to a certain point. He had shared ALL he had with them, but now he is learning more and seeing that there is MUCH more than he had to share with them. Many actually followed him, met the missionaries, and were baptized. Many cut all contact with him forever. He said that he knows with every fiber of his being that the church is true. He studied theology for 6 years, and all that he learned fits perfectly with the doctrine or is even further explained because of the teachings of the church. He said he understands to a small degree what Joseph Smith went through to come to the truth and that although he sacrificed everything, he wouldn’t trade it for anything. Oh and btw.....he is only 26 years old. It was an incredible story. I am so grateful for this tender mercies to meet people that can change your life just through their simple conversion story. He is an incredible person and I am grateful that we were in that park at the right time, to meet him and hear his story. 

Well....that is it for this week I think. I love you all. Have a good week!

Sister Heyer


Sunday, October 12, 2014

If there are no goats...then the week is great.

Well, this week was normal! I know....such a bummer for my faithful readers. ;P haha. General Conference was the highlight of the week! An excellent conference with MANY inspired talks that truly helped me. I strongly encourage those who did not have a chance, or simply did not want to watch, to take a look at some of my favorites when published on the site in a few days or less. 

Favorites:Elder Chi Hong Wong, Elder David A. Bednar, Elder Calos A. Godoy, and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. 

We had many opportunities this week to do family home evenings with many members. It was a week full of visiting members and getting to know them better. I think many times we, as missionaries, get so hung up in the blur of new investigators and the basic rhythm of the work that we forget to "strengthen the unit in which we serve". We cannot do this work alone, nor should we. I liked what Elder Bednar said about how missionaries help members to fulfill their sacred responsibility to share the gospel. It seems like we were one step ahead of Elder Bednar this week because THIS was exactly our focus of the week. We took more time to visit each member, get to know them, and ask them their availability to go on visits with us. We talked about our investigators and helped them to feel as excited as we are about their progress and the new friends that they will have the chance to make. Or at least, that was the goal. Whether or not it worked or not will only be apparent in the next few weeks as we work harder to include them more in our work. :) There are some wonderful members in our ward. I really hope that I will have the chance to finish my mission here. I will find out on Sunday about transfers and new comps and such. I hope that nothing will be changed. 

Well I love you all. Tomorrow I give my very last testimony at our multizone meeting. And I will also sing. It’s a strange feeling to only have 6 weeks left after 18 long and wonderful months. I wish I could hit pause and soak it all in for a minute, but before I know it I will be on a plane, finishing one chapter and on to the next. :) Im trying to make the very best of it. Like Elder Holland said in conference about Mary, "She hath done what she could." (Mark 14:8) May each of us look to, do what we can, to help ease the burdens of someone around us. Take the challenge to find someone in need and serve them. By doing so, we serve the Lord! 

Have a good week! 

Sister Heyer

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Watch Where You Step

Well....this week was interesting. 

We worked our butts off and had a wonderful week....until Friday. We had lunch at a members home who lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere. It was a delicious lunch and wonderful company. She has a goat, 2 geese, 4 dogs, 20+ cows, 50+ chickens and roosters, baby chickens, horses, and a variety of other interesting wild life. She showed us around her farm (which was very beautiful) and then took us to her garden to pick fresh lettuce to help make the salad. That’s when the adventures began. 

As I was picking lettuce I suddenly felt as if 100 needles were being pressed into my feet and ankles. I looked down to see that I had planted myself right in the middle of an ant hill and that they were now sending troops of hundreds to attack my poor feet. Thankfully, because of my nametag, I kept my cool and stepped aside and calmly asked my companion to please help me brush off the hundreds of biting ants before they consumed my whole body. She, of course, screamed....and we started to swat them off together. Well...with my feet burning but a smile on my face we started to walk back to the house. However, we were not informed that these 2 geese are angry, jealous, and proud animals and our lack of attention on them sent them running out of the coop with blood in their eyes. I was bitten on my leg twice by the monster. Finally we escaped into the house and I excused myself to the bathroom to wash my feet and examine the damage of the bite (thankfully only left a bruise like when you pinch your skin). The welts of the bites were already becoming apparent though and the itching had started. Wonderful. 
We ate lunch and then we were invited to meet her goat. Well you would think by now I would have known it’s better for me to just stay inside...but NO...missionaries must please everyone. So I went to meet the goat. He loved me. So much that he almost ate my dress. Thankfully I came out with my dress still intact and all my limbs accounted for. Next time though I can’t be so sure that I will have such luck. Next time I will come with armor. To seal the farm adventure it started to POUR and made it impossible for us to leave until almost 4:30 in the afternoon, making us loose almost a whole day of work. 

To really put the cherry on top I got home and noticed that not only were my ant bites quite swollen and horrible (I made it out alive with only 12 on one foot and 8 on the other), but the rest of my body was suddenly red and splotchy and itchy. 
-_- I took a shower and then called Sister Perrotti to know what medicine to buy in the pharmacy. The conversation was quite hilarious looking back....

Me: Hi Sister just a quick question....I went to farm today and now have an allergic reaction of some kind. Do you know of a medicine that could help? 
Sister: Okay....what did you eat?
Me: I think it was because of the animals that I met today
Sister: Oh okay. But you don’t have any bites or anything right?
Me: Well........
Me: Maybe just a few ant bites from when I stepped on an ant hill and a goose bite....
Sister: (laughing)
Me: ehhhh today was a bit intense Sister
Sister: (still laughing) Sister Heyer, I don’t think you were born to grow up on a farm....
Me: Yah, I really don’t think that will be a part of my future either Sister. 
Sister: (still laughing gives me the name of the medicine and wishes me luck)

So I covered myself in some random Brasil creme, and finished off our day making contacts close to home.....still in the rain. I learned a very important lesson this week....1. Farms are NOT for me. 2. Opposition can even come in the form of our furry friends. 

Oh and my companion passed the day with one ant bite on her finger and lots of funny pictures. -_- 

Well....have a good week! <3 love you all and hope you have an excellent conference this weekend. And if you weren’t planning on watching it or didn’t know…go to lds.org to hear the prophets and apostles testify of Christ and give instructions to help us find happiness in these latter days. :) 

Sister Heyer

"Watch your step":